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Advantages using the AeroBalancer system

Increased Savety: If there is an aerodynamic imbalance it will not only be detected but also exactly quantified and displayed. Thus you are safe not to erroneously compensate a aerodynamic imbalance with counterweights. And the precise results tell you how to change which pitch-angle value to elimininate any possible aerodynamic imabalances.
With this you not only solve the vibration problem but also optimise the efficiency of the WEC. For pitch-controlled wind turbines a wasteful and potentially insufficient photometric pitch-angle analysis gets unnecessary .

More Flexibility: Through the implemented rotorspeed-matching algorithm the system delivers very exact results even if the rotorspeed stays not constant. Most other measurement systems produce large measurement errors with already small rotorspeed deviations.

High sampling rates, high A/D-converter accuracy, acceleration sensors especially optimisied for very low frequencies and analysis algorithms particularly adapted for wind turbines result in a general increased precision.

Less time is needed to balance a rotor, hence reaching a reduced work expenditure that saves you cash money.